So you are addicted to gym?.. and after a few consistent sessions.
You are ready to invest in a protein shake, to get more from your workout . right?
The problem is, there are:
2 different types of powder {WHEY or CASEIN] milk protein
4 different versions.. Isolate, Concentrate, Hydroslate or Mass Gainer
1000's of brands to choose from based on prices, and your Favorite Fitness Influencers' recommendation, because they are sponsored by them.
So lets start with the two powders and how they vary from each other.
If you’ve ever opened a yogurt container to see liquid floating on top — that’s whey.
On paper they are both the same, but on a molecular level [what happens in your body] after ingestion they differ.
Whey protein - 27g of protein per serving is absorbed within 3 hours, it is a fast protein.The proteins in whey are of a very high quality. it has the highest percentage of branched-chain amino acids that the body can’t produce on its own, including leucine, which plays the biggest part in muscle protein synthesis compared to mass gainers.

Leucine - 11.6
Lysine - 9.1
Isoleucine - 4.5
Valine - 4.5
Threonine - 4.3
Tryptophan - 2.3
It is safe to say that whey protein is the purest form of protein you can take. The best part about this is that it is easily digestible and released into the bloodstream.
Casein 50g of protein from mass gainer per serving is very much slower to be absorbed in your body, more specifically casein will drip feed protein into your body for up to 4-7 hours, this is very important to prevent muscle breakdown which happens more likely during your workouts.

Leucine - 8.3
Lysine - 7.4
Valine - 6.5
Isoleucine - 5.5
Threonine - 4.4
Tryptophan - 1.1
Mass gainers also have protein, but the main difference between the two is that mass gainers have a high percentage of fats and carbohydrates. This helps the user intake the more calories to increase their weight. 50g of protein
In basic terms here is the breakdown for which protein to use:
Whey protein has three different types.
Hydrolyzed: The protein chains are broken down in hydrolyzed whey protein making it the easiest to be absorbed by the body and prevents any allergic reaction.
27g of protein.
Isolate: Whey Protein Isolate is the purest form of whey protein having about 90-95% protein, which almost lactose-free with very low-fat content.
25g of protein
Concentrate: The amount of protein in this type can range from 25-89%, the remaining consists of fats, minerals, and moisture
24g of protein

Pro -
Best and highest quality of protein, it is broken down [pre digested] so it enters your body a lot more quicker than whey isolate.
Works well for post or pre workout
Lactose tolerant for carb restricted diet
Highest degree of purification
More of the important di and tri-peptide protein molecules, known to play a key factor in protein synthesis, the muscle building process in the body.
Con -
It is less palatable [taste is eughh]
The price is higher than the regular
Lacks other nutrients like carbs and fat
Mass Gainer:

Best for bulking
Meal replacement 1,000 - 1,500 cal per serving
Works well as a post workout
High in calories
Contains all essential amino acids
Available as a hydrolysate [Peptopro]
50% protein
More carbs and fat than protein
Not safe for lactose intolerance
Whey Isolate:

Higher amount of protein per serving than in the Whey Concentrate
Faster absorption in the body than whey concentrate, but still much slower than hydrolyzed whey protein isolate
Lean protein powder
90% protein, or higher
Perfect for carb restricted diet
More expensive than the concentrate
Some contamination, lactose, carbs and fats traces
If you have a sensitive stomach chances are you will experience stomach bloating.
Whey Concentrate:

Higher in carbohydrates [This is a pro if you are not carb restricting]
Cheapest and most common form of protein powder
The percentage of protein per serving varies a lot, making it not clear what to expect in a product;
Higher amounts of lactose, which can result in serious stomach bloating for people with sensitive stomachs
Low absorption rate
About 70–80% protein
This is the major difference between whey protein and a mass gainer, where a single serving of whey gives you 100-150 calories, and mass gainer gives you 1250-1500 calories per serving.
In general, they more likely to be useful any time of the day, as a meal replacement if you are looking to put on mass, increase your daily caloric intake and finally as a post workout to get those protein and carbs for energy replenishment.
Whey protein, is more likely to be protein focused per serving unlike the mass gainer, the other benefit of having a faster absorption will be beneficial for an immediate effect for post workout replenishment to allow quicker protein synthesis [seeing as muscle growth happens through recovery of breaking down muscles] whey protein can be more beneficial as a post workout shake
A study published in the Journal of Science in Medicine and Sports found that subjects consuming hydrolyzed whey isolate post-workout experienced better recovery and performance, shortly after an intense muscle-damaging session, in comparison with those consuming whey isolate. The research was based on 28 subjects completing 100 eccentric-focused repetitions on leg extension. An eccentric focus induces significantly more muscle damage than typical concentric movements.
Straight after the training session, the subjects consumed either 25 grams of whey hydrolysate, 25 grams of whey isolate, or a protein-free placebo. Recovery was assessed via blood markers, subjective ratings, and performance testing. The measures were completed 1, 2, 6, and 24 hours post-testing.
The whey-hydrolysate group was able to regain performance 6 hours later, whereas the placebo and whey isolate group had not yet fully recovered even 24 hours later. This proves that there is a serious difference in the whey you choose to take.
If your purpose is simply to build muscle tissue, Mass Gainer is the go-to protein supplement for 90% of people. You can never go wrong with added mass. However, if you prefer to remain lean all year round, while still being able to build lean muscle tissue at a reasonable rate, whey hydrolyzed will be better suited to your goals.
If you’re shredding, choosing a whey hydrolysate post-workout will also be advantageous to promote recovery in the presence of limited carbohydrates. It will help you maximize the muscle-building response with fewer calories, given than it has a significantly higher leucine content compared to whey isolate.
The problem with mass gainers is that they have carbs that are stored as fat, so in the case of building strength and muscles, it is preferred to take whey protein. The pure protein can help you get those extra gains.
Lean Physique:
If your main aim is to have a body shredded better than an MMA fighter, then you need to steer clear from weight gainers. It is recommended to use whey protein isolate since it is clean from all kinds of carbs and fats.
Bulking and Weight Gain:
Gaining weight can be a pain in the posterior region for hard gainers. It is recommended to take mass gainers for the intake of those extra calories. On the other hand, you shouldn’t stick to it for so long as they might add unwanted fat to your body.
So to conclude, on paper, whey protein is chemically the better supplement with regards to fewer risks, more protein, and a better overall result. Another reason is that it is used for multiple body types whereas mass gainer is only useful for those that are trying to bulk. All in all, Whey Protein can be crowned our protein supplement champion!